Course Module
1. Deploy Microsoft Azure SQL Database
- Introducing the Azure SQL Database Part 1-2
- Setting Up Azure Lab
- Service Tier Part 1-2
- Create Servers &Databases Part 1-3 & Azure SQL Server &Database Lab
- Connecting SSMS to Azure SQL Lab Part 1-2
- Create a sys admin Account
- Creating Azure SQL Logins &User Lab
- Congure Elastic Pool & Lab
2. Plan SQL Server Installation
- Plan for IaaS or On Premises Deployment Part 1-2
- Select Appropriate Size for Virtual Machine
- Plan Storage Pools Based on Performance Requirements Part 1-2
- Evaluate Best Practices for Installation
- Design a Storage Layout for SQL Server Virtual Machine
3. Deploy SQL Server Instances
- Deploy SQL Server Instance in IaaS & On Premises
- Restoring Adventure Works 2016 Database Lab
- Provision an Azure Virtual Machine to Host a SQL Server Instance & Lab
- Manually Install SQL Server on an Azure Virtual Machine
- Installing SQL 2016 Lab Part 1-2
- Automate the Deployment of SQL Server Databases
- Exploring Azure SQL Database Automation Lab
- Deploy SQL Server by Using Templates
- Managing JSON Templates Lab
4. Deploy SQL Server Databases to Azure Virtual Machines
- Migrate an On-Premises SQL Server Database to an Azure Virtual Machine & Lab Part 1-4
- Generate Benchmark Data for Performance Needs & Lab Part 1-2
- Performance Tuning on Azure IaaS & Lab Part 1-2
- Support Availability Sets in Azure Part 1-2
- Manage High Availability Lab Part 1-5
5. Configure Secure Access to Microsoft Azure SQL Databases
- Creating Firewall Rules & Lab
- Always Encrypted for Azure SQL Database
- Implementing Always Encrypted Lab
- Cell-Level Encryption &Lab
- Dynamic Data Masking &Lab
- Transparent Data Encryption &Lab
6. Configure SQL Server performance settings
- SQL Performance Settings & Lab
- Max Server Memory
- SQL Memory Lab
- Database Performance Settings & Lab
- Operators & Alerts
- Alerts in Azure &On-Premise SQL Server Lab
7. Manage SQL Server instances
- Create Databases &Lab
- Manage File Groups &Lab
- Manage System Database Files & Lab
- Configure tempdb &Lab
8. Manage SQL Storage
- Manage SMB File Shares &Lab & Stretch Databases
- Configure Azure Storage
- Change Service Tiers &Lab Part 1
- Review Wait Statistics
- Manage Storage Pools &Storage Lab Part 1-2
- Recover from Failed Storage
9. Perform Database Maintenance
- Monitoring Tools & Lab Part 1-2
- Azure Performance Tuning
- Automate Maintenance Tasks
- Update Statistics &Indexes & Lab Parts 1-2
- Verify Database Integrity & Lab
- Recover from Database Corruption &Lab
- Conclusion
10. Intrusion Protection System
- Intrusion Protection System Part 1-2