SQL Fundamentals

SQL Fundamentals covers the foundational concepts of Structured Query Language, the standard for managing and manipulating relational databases. Learners grasp essential skills in querying data, updating records, and understanding database structures.

Here are the Key features of SQL Fundamentals:

  1. Data Query Language (DQL): SQL allows you to retrieve data from a database using SELECT statements. This is essential for extracting information from tables.
  2. Data Definition Language (DDL):  DDL statements help you create, change, or delete the basic building blocks of a database. The main ones are CREATE (make), ALTER (change), and DROP (delete), and they’re used for working with tables and other parts of the database.
  3. Data Manipulation Language (DML):  DML statements are like tools for playing with data in a database. The main one is SELECT, which helps you pick specific data. Then there’s INSERT (add), UPDATE (change), and DELETE (remove) for managing the information in the database.
  4. Data Control Language (DCL): DCL statements control access to data within the database. GRANT is used to provide specific privileges to users, and REVOKE is used to take away those privileges.
  5. Transaction Control:  In SQL, think of transactions as a team of actions that always stick together. They’re like the guardians of correct and steady data. When everything is fine and dandy, you hit COMMIT. But if things go awry, ROLLBACK steps in to undo the actions.
  6. Data Integrity:  In SQL, there are rules called constraints—like PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, NOT NULL, and FOREIGN KEY—that make sure data is reliable and follows certain guidelines. These rules ensure that the information added to tables is accurate.
  7. Normalization:  In SQL, normalization is like tidying up data in a database to make it work well. You clean up by removing repeated things and making sure the data is strong. It’s like breaking a big table into smaller ones that are cleverly linked.